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(Bio)methane cracking: solutions for carbon-negative hydrogen and solid carbon production


Three European-funded innovation projects will present some of their solutions for methane cracking to usable hydrogen and carbon materials during an online workshop, followed by a panel discussion on synergies, replication potential, and technology uptake in the sector. Because green hydrogen production is essential towards the carbon-neutrality targets set for 2050, STORMING, TITAN, and COLDSPARK come together to present some of their possible solutions. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of the discussion! Register here! Agenda: 10:00 - Setting the scene: Green hydrogen production for Europe Piero Carlo Dos Reis, DG Clima 10:15 - Solutions: Terje Hauan, Cold plasma (COLDSPARK) David Farrusseng, Microwave-heated catalytic reactors (TITAN) Patricia Benito, Structured, iron-based reactors (STORMING) 11:15 - Panel discussion on synergies, replication and technology uptake (market opportunities and obstacles). Adélio Mendes, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (112CO2 project) Marina Pasteris, EBA Technical and Project Officer Anton Scholten, Hygear Professor Zhixin Yu, UiS Moderator: Dusan Jakovljevic, Policy Director, EEIP