The Project

STructured unconventional reactors for CO2 -fRee
Methane catalytic crackING

STORMING will develop breakthrough and innovative structured reactors heated using renewable electricity, to convert fossil and renewable CH4 into CO2-free H2 and highly valuable carbon nanomaterials for battery applications.

  • Smart rational catalyst design protocol

    Combining theoretical (density functional theory and molecular dynamics calculations) and experimental (cluster) studies to develop innovative Fe-based catalysts, highly active and easily regenerable by waste-free processes.

  • Electrification (microwave or joule-heated) of structured reactors

    Designed by computational fluid dynamics and prepared by 3D printing, will enable an accurate thermal control resulting in high energy efficiency.

  • Validation of the most promising catalytic technology

    At TRL5, the project will validate the chosen most promising catalytic technology to produce H2 with energy efficiency (> 60%), net-zero emissions, and decreasing (ca. 10 %) the costs in comparison with the conventional process.

  • Dissemination and communication of results

    Not only to communicate the results of the project, C&D activities should also work to boost social acceptance of H2-related technologies and the stakeholder engagement targeting short-term process exploitation and deployment

  • Highly complementary and interdisciplinary consortium

    Its consortium, where basic and applied science merge with engineering, computer, and social sciences is the key to reach STORMING challenging objectives.

Budget and Funding

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement n° 101069690.

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Total cost for implementation: €2.693.951
Total EU funding: € 2.693.951
Topic: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-09
Call for proposal: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01
Granting authority: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency