HLE Group

What is the STORMING High Level Expert Group (“HLE Group”)?

The HLE Group is constituted from external experts alongside the entire STORMING chain covering CH4 supply, CH4 cracking technology and process, H2 infrastructure, H2 and CNT demand side to retrieve and share feedback on STORMING progress. The group will focus on requirements to develop the STORMING solution to higher TRLs up to market readiness. This considers environmental, economic, regulatory, and societal dimensions from the supply and demand side perspective.

Gleb Veryasov

Gleb Veryasov is an R&D team leader in TotalEnergies. Gleb obtained a Master’s degree in physical chemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), and a PhD in engineering at Jozef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia). After graduation, he has held multiple assignments in France, Belgium, and Japan in the areas of electrolytes for batteries, gas storage, and automotive lubricants.

Today his activities are mostly focused on new electrified and low-carbon processes for the production of hydrogen and base chemicals.

Kevin Van Geem

Kevin Van Geem is full professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University (UGent). He is director of the Center for Sustainable Chemistry and director of the board of the Laboratory for Chemical Technology of Ghent University. He is the CTO of CAPTURE, an inter-university platform grouping 100 faculty members of different universities with the ambition to accelerate radical technological innovations in the field of sustainable resource recovery. 

His main research interest is reaction engineering in general, with a focus in particular on the transition from fossil to alternative resources such as biomass, CO/CO2 and plastic waste. He is a former Fulbright Research Scholar at MIT and visiting professor at Stanford. He is in charge of the pilot plants for chemical recycling, oxidative coupling of methane, steam cracking, biomass pyrolysis, and super dry reforming. He is the author of more than two hundred scientific publications, has 3 patents, and is managing director of his own spin-off company on modeling steam cracking. He is involved in electrification, process intensification, machine learning & data mining, drug design, scale-up, and process modeling. 

Fiorenzo Parrinello

For over 30 years, Fiorenzo Parrinello is the Lab Research & Development Director at SACMI Imola, an international group, world leader in the supply of advanced technologies for the Ceramics, Plastics, Food & Beverage, Metals, Packaging and Advanced Materials sectors. In his position he coordinates all technology and innovation related activities, having recently become the Corporate Innovation Director at the affiliate too. A team of about 50 members is currently under his supervision. Fiorenzo completed a master’s degree in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Bologna as well as a Management Development Program from the University of Bocconi. Adding to his relevant expertise and position, his roles in the technology, innovation and sustainability plans are the following at the moment: Member of the Board of MICS (Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile) Member of the Advisory Board of the Degree Course in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Bologna Member of the Advisory Board of the Master’s Degree Course in Chemical Sciences at the University of Genoa Member of the Board of Directors of AIM (Italian Association of Science and Technology of Macromolecules)

Luigi Crema

Luigi Crema is the director of the Center for Sustainable Energy at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, in Trento. A physicist, he deals with issues connected with energy transition and the development of technology solutions for hydrogen and batteries, the two main pillars of the Center with about 40 between researchers, innovators, and technicians. He was involved in more than 40 project initiatives on the energy sector and in more than 100 scientific papers. He is President of Hydrogen Europe Research and Member of the Board of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, supporting the establishment of a strong coordinated program of research in the EU with identified priorities supported by the main Universities and RTOs in the sector. He is the vice president of the Italian Hydrogen Association, supporting the role of hydrogen at the national scale and through the engagement of national institutions. For over twenty years, he has been involved in innovation between research and the industrial sector, with experience on how to transform development areas into viable solutions and economic value. He supported the creation and growth of Start-ups such as Green Energy Storage and Unitec.

Bruno Georges Pollet

Bruno Georges Pollet BSc(Hons) MSc PhD FRSC (born in 1969), is a French chemist and electrochemist, a Fellow of the UK Royal Society of Chemistry, professor of chemistry, director of the Green Hydrogen Lab, co-director of the Institute for Hydrogen Research (Institut de Recherche sur l’Hydrogène) at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in Canada and adjunct professor in Renewable Energy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Norway. He has worked on Hydrogen Energy in the UK, Japan, South Africa, Norway, and Canada, and has both industrial and academic experience.


Dr. Matthieu Houllé

Dr. Matthieu Houllé holds an engineer diploma (materials science), a master’s degree in analytic chemistry and a PhD in physical chemistry (Strasbourg, France).  With a strong background in nanomaterials, he has worked on the implementation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in applications going from mechanical reinforcement of composites to improvement of electro-chemical performances of fuel cells and batteries.  After joining Nanocyl in 2010 he held different positions in the company among R&D, projects management and technical support in the energy sector.  Since 2017 he is the manufacturing director of Nanocyl and focus on process improvement and technology upscaling.