2nd Consortium meeting and General Assembly 

On 13 and 14 September, EEIP had the pleasure to host the 2nd STORMING Consortium meeting and General Assembly in Brussels. It was the occasion to meet in person after the successful on-boarding of a new project partner, NIC from Slovenia, resulting from the widening call/hop-on facility from the European Commission.  Project Partners were joined at the beginning of the meeting by Loïc Blanchard, Project Officer from CINEA.

On a technical level, focus of the discussions was the on-going screening, testing, and synchrotron characterization of single Fe-based and promoted catalysts. The first STORMING 3D printed materials were also presented. On the communication and dissemination side, EEIP highlighted the first dissemination event which will take place with sister projects TITAN and COLDPARK on September 27, as well as the composition of the High Level Experts’ Group that will support the development of STORMING technology on the market.

STORMING will reach its halfway-mark and the end of its first reporting period in February 2024, so some emphasis on administrative and financial requirements was also in order.  

The next consortium meeting will take place in Zaragoza in March 2024.